Polka z Nogi from Lachy Są cz

The ethnographic region of Są cz (SOHNCH) lies in the southern part of Poland and is
divided into two groups: Lachy and Górale (mountaineers). The Lachy folk culture
originated in the Kraków region of Poland. The word “Lach,” derived from “Las,” which
means forest, is an old name for the inhabitants of forests. Polka z Nogi (POHL-kah ZNOH-
gee), or “Polka with Legs,” are dances in which, as the name indicates, the raising of the legs
plays an integral part of the movements. There are many variations and the dance is found in
several different regions. The Lachy Sacz (LAH-hih SOHNCH) versions have developed
over the last few decades to include a combination of alternating directions (CW or CCW)
while dancing LOD or RLOD, which make the dance quite exciting and challenging.

Presented by Richard Schmidt in 2008. View pdf here.