Sado Okesa

The song and dance “Sado Okesa” are not only popular on Sado Island, but the song is one of the most famous Japanese folk songs among the Japanese and has even been introduced overseas. There are different styles of Okesa Bushi music on the mainland and on Sado, but the best-known bushi (song) is “Sado Okesa,” which can be categorized in three types; “Ogi Okesa,” “Aikawa Okesa” and “Senkoba Okesa,” which is considered the foundation of “Aikawa Okesa” music sung by gold miners of long ago. “Sado Okesa” is based on “Aikawa Okesa” and it is the most beautiful and popular of the three.

Presented  by  Iwao Tamaoki in 2012. view pdf here.