Perniška Kopanica

This dance is composed of two variations on the widespread Kopanica danced throughout the Šopluk region. It comes from the area near Pernik, southwest of Sofia, and it was learned from Ilija Rizov.
Pronunciation:  PEHR-neesh-kah KOH-pah-nee-tsah  Translation: Kopanica from the region of Pernik
Music:  11/8 meter. 1-2, 1-2, 1-2-3, 1-2, 1-2 or Q-Q-S-Q-Q, counted as 1-2-3-4-5 Yves Moreau Stockton FDC 2013, Track 6
Formation:  Mixed short lines. Hands joined down in V-pos or belt hold, L arm over R arm. Face
slightly R of ctr.

Presented by Yves Moreau in 2013. View pdf here.